Singing Guide: Yo-Yo Ma

Singing Guide: Yo-Yo Ma

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Yo-Yo Ma: Learning How to Sing Like the Chinese-American Cellist

Yo-Yo Ma, a Chinese-American cellist, is one of the most renowned classical musicians of the 21st century. His unique approach to the cello made him one of the most talented and versatile cellists in history. His ability to adapt his playing to different genres while maintaining his unique sound has made him one of the most sought-after musicians in the world. In this article, we will discuss how to learn singing like Yo-Yo Ma.


One of the most important things to consider when learning how to sing like Yo-Yo Ma is the use of vibrato. Vibrato is a technique in which the note is played with a slight variation in pitch, which gives the note a warm and expressive quality. A good exercise to develop vibrato is the "Beggars Bounce" from this video. Yo-Yo Ma also uses different bowing techniques to add variety to his playing. With experience, you can adapt these techniques with your vocal rhythms.

Another technique that Yo-Yo Ma practices extensively is the use of harmonics. Harmonics are notes produced by touching the string at nodal points. A similar technique in the voice is falsetto singing, where you sing notes in a high pitch by using a thinner vocal cord vibration. You can develop this kind of sound by practicing sustain singing.

Dynamic control is another important aspect of Yo-Yo Ma's playing. Dynamics refer to the variation of volume in playing, with the music rising and falling in intensity. Similarly, in singing, dynamics refer to the varying volume of your voice. To improve your dynamic control, you can practice voice sustains, which helps you maintain your breath control while singing in different volumes.


One of the most popular songs played by Yo-Yo Ma is Bach's Cello Suites. These suites are widely considered to be the backbone of any cellist's oeuvre and consists of technically demanding pieces that are deceptively simple. His playing technique for suites can be adapted to singing for controlling breath and dynamics.

Another popular song by Yo-Yo Ma is "Libertango" by Argentinian composer Astor Piazzolla. This song incorporates the tango genre, and it's technical variations provide an excellent array of voice techniques practicing options.

Practical Advice

To learn how to sing like Yo-Yo Ma, the first step is to analyze your voice. Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to examine your vocal range and identify your voice type, vocal break, and voice registers. This reference article on breathing basics helps you understand breath intake, as breathing is the natural core of projecting the vibrations from the vocal cords. This reference on voice registers and vocal breaks teaches you to sing with a transition between different vocal regions.

Once you have an overview of your voice characteristics, it's essential to practice performing out loud. In this reference on performing on stage, you can learn tips and tricks such as how to conquer stage fright, how to breathe, and how to project your voice.

Finally, Singing Carrots' educational singing course is an excellent starting point for beginners. The course covers everything from breathing and vocal techniques to specific styles such as pop, rock, and jazz. The practice lessons offered in the course incorporate exercises to develop different voice techniques.


Learning how to sing like Yo-Yo Ma is achievable with continuous practice and learning different and relevant techniques. The fundamentals of breath control, volume control, and string utilization can be implemented with practice and can help you develop a vocal range that is unique and melodic.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.